TX Homestead Law
- Oct, 12, 2021
- K. Carpenter
- Real Estate Attorney

Texas Homestead Laws Texas Homesteads The TX homestead law protect your residence and personal property especially in bankruptcy situations. According to the Texas constitution, the term “homestead” refers to a person’s home and the land that surrounds the home. Under this constitution, creditors cannot levy foreclosures on a debtor’s homestead. But a single person’s or […]
TREC Contracts
- Oct, 07, 2021
- K. Carpenter
- Real Estate Attorney

Texas Real Estate Contract TREC 1-4 Contract For more info on real estate contracts, call our Texas real estate lawyer today. Anyone familiar with residential sales contracts in Texas has probably heard of the One to Four Family Residential Contract or TREC 1-4 contract. Licensed Agents and brokers use TREC 1-4 contract and other forms […]
Lease To Purchase
- Oct, 05, 2021
- K. Carpenter
- Real Estate Attorney

Texas Lease Purchase Agreement Lease Options In Texas What usually happens in a lease-to-purchase (rent-to-own) arrangement is that a portion of your monthly rent payment goes to a fund that will later be used for down-payment. There are two things that may possibly happen after the fund reaches a certain amount: The transaction is converted […]
Texas Contract For Deed
- Sep, 30, 2021
- K. Carpenter
- Real Estate Attorney

Contract For Deed Executory Contract In Real Estate Anyone that wants to buy property knows that a contract for deed is a type of executory contract. Executory contracts are agreements that set terms that can only be performed in the future. A contract deed in particular is an agreement between a seller of real property […]
Special Warranty Deed Texas
- Sep, 28, 2021
- K. Carpenter
- Real Estate Attorney

Warranty Deed Texas Quitclaim Deed Texas To show proof that you own real property you need a deed. A deed is a document that proves that you own a specific real property and conveys legal and equitable title to real property. In other words, a deed establishes that you have a “fee simple” interest to […]
Sellers Disclosure Texas
- Sep, 27, 2021
- K. Carpenter
- Real Estate Attorney

Seller Lied On Property Disclosure Statement Seller Responsibility After Closing The first thing you have to know when buying property is the condition of the property. You want to know whether there are any defects, needed repairs and adverse conditions that may influence your decision to buy or not to buy. But sellers often want […]
Lis Pendens Texas
- Sep, 27, 2021
- K. Carpenter
- Real Estate Attorney

Notice Of Lis Pendens Texas Lis Pendens Texas Form When a buyer or seller breaches a Real estate Purchase of Sales Contract the other interested party may file a lawsuit for protection. This lawsuit helps ensure the property is not sold or encumbered until the dispute is resolved. The lawsuit itself cannot stop the property […]
Series LLC Texas
- Sep, 22, 2021
- K. Carpenter
- Real Estate Attorney

Texas Series LLC in Real Estate & Business Texas Series LLC Formation The Series LLC is a form of limited liability company that allows real estate investors to own multiple assets and sort each property into a separate compartment that is insulated from other properties owned by the investor. In the past series LLC was […]
Piercing The Corporate Veil
- Sep, 22, 2021
- K. Carpenter
- Business Attorneys

Piercing The Corporate Veil Texas Business Attorneys – Houston, Tx LLCs, Corporations & Other Business Entities It is possible to hold individuals that run a corporate entity liable for the corporation’s or LLC’s actions and debts. This is called Piercing the Corporate veil. In this situation, the people behind a corporation are no longer protected […]
Adverse Possession Texas
- Sep, 22, 2021
- K. Carpenter
- Real Estate Attorney

Adverse Possession Texas Law Texas Real Estate Attorneys – The Woodlands, Tx Generally, you need a deed to prove that you are the rightful owner of a piece of land in Texas. The only exception to this rule is the option of laying claim to a piece of land through the adverse possession code. Adverse […]